Monday, December 12, 2011

A letter to Isaac

Dear Isaac,

I think about you constantly.  There are things a mother knows about her children, that I don't know about you yet.  What's your favorite toy, do you sleep with a special blanket, do you liked to be rocked to sleep, do you like to snuggle, have you ever been taken to church?  Even with so many unknowns you are most certainly mine!

I wonder what it will be like for you once you are home.  What will you think about your brother and sister?  Andrew is so serious.  He's like an 83 year old man in a 5 year old's body.  He is protective, compassionate, kind, and instead of playing sports he likes to play chess.  Olivia is spirited.  I used to say she was stubborn, but your Moe (you will LOVE her) told me I shouldn't call her that so I decided she is spirited.  There is never a dull moment when Olivia is here.  She is loyal, tender hearted, and getting sweeter by the day.  Oh and her baby doll is her favorite possession. 

You have a new cousin that was born this past Tuesday.  Hunter was born weighing in at 10lbs 8oz.  He weighed 3 times what your brother did when he was born. 

It is so hard not knowing when you will be coming home, but your Dad and I know that God knows exactly how this will unfold and we put our trust in Him.  Just know that we love you and we will continue to pray for all things as we wait for you!


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