Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Waiting Child Wednesday

It's time to introduce you to two young men that have captured my heart.  If we could adopt more than one child at a time these are the two we'd bring home. 

Meet Sammy.  Oh my goodness.  Isn't he adorable?  I'd scoop him up in a heartbeat!  Sammy will be 4 in September.  He needs a family to rescue him!

There isn't a lot of information listed about Sammy. Will you step out in faith and make Sammy part of your family?  This is the information listed at Reece's Rainbow. 

Date of Birth: September 2008
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: brown
Character: calm


Sammy is growing so fast! Medical info coming soon! Small families and married couples only, please.

Another little boy that I've fallen in love with is Nico.  Look at that red hair!  He's too cute!  He's just waiting for someone to make him part of their family. 

Once again there isn't much information listed for Nico.  Here is the information listed on Reece's Rainbow. 

Birth Date: May 2010
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: red
Character: calm

Diagnosis: Down syndrome

More pictures available

If you'd like more information on either of these boys please contact me or anyone at Reece's Rainbow.  Please pray that Sammy and Nico find their forever families soon!  They will be such a blessing!

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